Crypto pump bot by Crypto pump

Automate your trading
Use every market opportunity 24/7

3 Unique Trading Strategies

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Long Only: Uptrend king

A long-term, portfolio rebalancing strategy with moderate risk and high upside potential.
Purchases long positions in the top 30 coins most likely to increase, sells those that are estimated to decrease.
Performance is optimal during uptrends, allocation is best during a bear market.
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Meta: 200+ sub-strategies in one

A market-neutral strategy with moderate risk and strong yield.
Allocates funds in a dozen sub-strategies at the same time to be efficient in any market environment.
Performance is not affected by market conditions. Even during market crashes, this strategy maintains solid returns.
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Fixed Income: Multi-cycle strategy

A market-neutral, steady performance strategy with lower risk and modest yield.
Purchases spot assets then shorts them simultaneously on the Futures market.
Performance is optimal during a bull market and steady at any stage.
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Crypto pump bot in numbers

Since 2015 we're successfully building a Hybrid Intelligence ecosystem for market analysis, assets management and trading, including Collective Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence solutions.

  • $ 0 m in AUM
  • 0 k registered users
  • 0 year of foundation


Examples of bot’s tuning

Crypto pump bot features


  • Crypto pump bot AI is a fully automated portfolio management bot. The app serves as a hedge fund for everyone, that can earn profits in any market condition, while saving you time and avoiding costly trading mistakes.

    Crypto pump bot will manage your portfolio using trading algorithms developed by the Cindicator team. The app utilizes a long-only index strategy for the top-30 assets, a fixed income algorithm, and a meta active strategy.

  • To start using Crypto pump bot AI, all you need is an account on one of our partner-exchanges, assets to manage on that account, and the Crypto pump bot AI app.

  • No, funds do not need to be transferred anywhere for any reason.

  • Over 15,000 daily active users have trusted Crypto pump bot to manage over $230M in deposits.

  • Coinbase, KuCoin, Binance Global and Binance US

  • Most of the risks are associated with our strategies as past performance is no guarantee of future results. We cannot fully eliminate unprecedented events in the market, though we actively manage these.

    When the market goes down, retail investors can desire to short futures, resulting in a funding fee decrease. It is possible that the fees may even dive into the negative at times. If fees are extremely low, such as -0.2%, Crypto pump bot can close positions while protecting profits and capital.

  • Our main area of expertise is combining AI with crowd wisdom to create a hybrid intelligence that can make predictions with maximum possible accuracy. We have been in business since 2015, boasting over 15,000 daily active users with over $230M in total assets deposited. We’ve also been featured on Nasdaq TradeTalks and Fidelity TedX.